Seeing many beautiful old blankets in op shops time and time again, some with holes or burn marks but still with loads of character... I decided these beautiful old blankets needed to be given a new purpose, transformed into statement pieces. That is what inspired this repurposed blanket collection. They're eye catching and great conversation starters! This is the feedback I receive regularly from purchasers of my range. Add to that the kangaroo leather and you have even more to talk about, it's a light weight leather which softens beautifully with use.
The blankets take people down memory lane, back to a time when they once had a blanket just like it on their bed, while kangaroo leather connects them to nature. It's one of the most wild & free of animals in our environment, roaming these lands at will. With increased numbers meaning over grazed farmland, causing starvation for the kangaroos and livestock, culling practices have been put into place to keep numbers at bay. I chose to work with this uniquely Australian material.
I've given these blankets a new sense of purpose, brought their character out in the open for all to enjoy once again while bringing awareness to how beautiful and useful kangaroo leather is!
- outer layer made from a salvaged woollen blanket
- inside contrasting salvaged woollen blanket
- trimmed with a poly/cotton bias
- adorned with a stamped leather 'by marie-nicole' label.
- strap & handle double layer kangaroo leather with hand stitched features
Colours and patterns on custom ordered cases will vary according to the blankets on hand at the time of ordering. If you'd like to find out what's available before placing your order simply a message I'll send you pics.
NB. You can also provide us with a family blanket you have in storage to make the case even more personal.
Made at Creators Nest, Yass Valley